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This website contains information about our plans for Springwell Solar Farm, a proposed new solar farm with battery storage between Lincoln and Sleaford.

Our DCO application for Springwell was accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate on 18 December 2024.  This is an important milestone for our project, and we’d like to thank everyone who sent us their feedback, which has helped to shape our application.

Update: Registration to become an Interested Party and participate in the examination is now open (15 January – 17 February 2025). For more information, please see the Springwell page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website here.

What is Springwell Solar Farm?

Springwell is a proposed new solar farm with battery storage in North Kesteven that would provide enough clean, secure energy to power over 180,000 homes*.  That’s around half of all the homes in Lincolnshire. 

Like most solar farms, Springwell would have a fixed lifespan of around 40 years and could be built and operated with limited impact on the land beneath it.

Once the panels are removed, the land could be returned to agricultural use. We also want Springwell to benefit the local area throughout its lifetime and we will work closely with the community to identify opportunities to support local initiatives.

What is happening now?

Our application is currently at the ‘pre-examination’ stage. During this period, anyone can register to participate and be kept informed about the progress of the application by becoming an ‘Interested Party’. This includes the opportunity to submit your views about the application in writing (known as a ‘Relevant Representation’). Relevant Representations inform what will be considered by the Planning Inspectorate during the examination.

Registration to become an Interested Party is open until 17 February 2025:

Guidance on how to register as an Interested Party and submit a Relevant Representation is available here:

We will be holding drop-in sessions (no appointment needed) in the local area should you need help registering as an Interested Party or if you have a question about the contents of our DCO application. These will be held at the following times, dates and locations:

  • Thursday 23 January (1pm to 4pm) Scopwick Village Hall, Brookside, Scopwick LN4 3PA
  • Friday 24 January (1pm to 4pm) Blankney Old School, Drury Street, Blankney, LN4 3AZ

* Based upon the average domestic electricity consumption per home (temperature corrected) per the Energy Consumption in the UK (published September 2021, Table C9 of ECUK: Consumption data tables)