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Land referencing (wc. 21 August)

As part of the DCO process, we need to identify everyone who has a legal interest in land that could be affected by our proposals. We do this through a process called Land Referencing, which is being carried out by a company called Gateley Hamer for Springwell Solar Farm.

The first step of this process is to write to everyone we have identified using publicly available information to check that this information is correct.

Where we have not received a response, members of the Gateley Hamer team will be visiting properties to ask for this information in person and make sure that everyone is aware of the existence of our proposals. The team will be doing this during w/c 14 August 2023.

This is important because we need to ensure that all legal interests are properly represented in the planning process and kept informed about Springwell Solar Farm – including when we will be consulting on our proposals.

If you have received a letter and would like more information about why we have written to you, please get in touch with the Gateley Hamer team via email:  or by phone at 01212 340 021 / 01618 367 737.


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