DCO application (18 December 2024)
You can view and download all our application documents for Springwell Solar Farm on the Planning Inspectorate’s website here.
This includes the following key documents:
- The Design Approach Document sets out how we have designed Springwell and the key changes made to our proposals. This includes the updated operational layout of Springwell (page 75), which can also be viewed here.
- The Consultation Report sets out how we have had regard to the feedback we received from consultation.
- The Environmental Statement which sets out the likely significant environmental effects of Springwell and details proposed measures to avoid, mitigate, reduce or offset potentially significant negative environmental effects.
Phase two consultation (11 January – 22 February 2024)
- Consultation booklet
- Consultation newsletter
- Questionnaire
- Virtual exhibition
- Exhibition banners
- Our updated layout
- Photomontages
- Section 48 notice
Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR)
- Volume 1 – Main Report
- Volume 2 – Supporting Figures
- Volume 3 – Supporting Reports
- Volume 4 – Landscape Viewpoints
Statement of Community Consultation (11 December 2023)
Phase one consultation (24 January – 7 March 2023)