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Trial trenching (27 May – 13 June 2024)

We will be carrying out some archaeological investigations in limited parts of the Springwell site. Trial trenching will be conducted using a JCB excavator. This involves digging shallow trenches to evaluate the archaeological potential of an area. All trenches will be filled in once the works are complete in agreement with Lincolnshire County Council.

Work will be taking place in fields around the proposed site. Currently, trial trenching is taking place in a field within the proposed site for Springwell East.  Activity in this area is expected to last for two weeks from Monday 27 May, finishing w/c 10 June.

Surveys are being carried out in compliance with an excavation license from the Ministry of Defence and a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) which sets out the programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation we need to carry out. This has been consulted on with your local council.

The findings of these surveys will inform the design of the proposed Springwell Solar Farm, ensuring that we are sensitive to any buried archaeology within the site.

This work will be supervised by an experienced archaeologist and is not expected to cause disruption.


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